Mathias and Dylan are both students in their 3rd year of CarMaintenance inLycee Paul Mathou at Gourdan Polignan. They are doing their training period 6 weeks in the car dealershipVolkswagen/Seat – Huittisten Laatuauto Oyn, located in Huittinen ( around 10 000 inhabitants ).
This car dealership is composed of 6 big areas where 25 employees work among them 10 are mechanics.
Below Jouni Isotalo, after-sales manager, poses with our trainees while holding the mug Paul Mathou.
Reception and shop
Showroom of new VW cars, with the last fully loaded models
Showroom of second-hand vehicles
Showroom of new Seat cars, the last models too.
Spare parts store
Repair workshop, with ten 2or4 post lifts, a laptop + diagnostic equipment by mechanics, plus all special machines (wheel aligner, tyre changer, wheel balancer, …) and shelving for specific tools dedicated to Volkswagen/Seat/Audi/Skoda cars.
» The company sells approximately 250 new cars a year and about 1200 second-hand ones. In 2017 mechanics’ team had 4821 cars in their hands. We noticed that the rhythm of work is intense but all the employees are very nice, and make the effort to speak to us in English and some of them even used French words. In any case for us, everything takes place marvelously. Our training tutors Lauri and Jouni are very kind and let us work in autonomy while being present in case of difficulty. There is a good working atmosphere. «
Besides the works of common mechanics, we also did research of breakdown on injection systems in particular.
Démontage avec outil spécial/Removal using specific tool
Contrôle sur le retour d’injection/Diesel Injector Fuel Return Flow Tester
Mesures électriques/Electrical measurements
Interesting to also discover specificities bound to scandinavian countries as reheating systems for both engine and passengers compartment, otherwise it would be very difficult to start by-20°C
Systéme complet de réchauffage/Whole heating system
Module de réchauffage habitacle/ Heater for compartment